Monday 13 October 2014

Church of Light

Material Test

Test export to cryengine


sketch 1.

sketch 2.

sketch 3.

Models of Sketches

Wooden Floor

Concrete Wall

Mix of Models

Experimenting with breakable objects

Final Animation

When all life on earth ends the structures abandoned buildings live on in their own way. Decay and ruin consume the remains man has left behind. Vegetation and weathering slowly eat away at the structure of these obsolete objects. Until finally they give in and the crumbling becomes crashing as the earth reclaims what is rightfully hers.


Lecture Note - FINAL LECTURE

If I was working for a company that develops games, my role would be to create realistic animations and textures.

Software used:
Cryengine 3
Crazy Bump
Freemake Video Converter

Textures were made up of multiple images from [CG] Textures

Turtorials Used

Creating jointed breakable objects For Cryengine 3 SDK Tutorial.

  • by 1Richmar 

  • 2 years ago
  • Sunday 7 September 2014


    Island Map

    Hidden number and letter: R5

    Some Scenes from the Island

    Strategy Statement

    This Island is of the charts to any civilian, but it constantly patrolled by the army. Any reasoning is unknown but there is talk of suspicious behavior on this hidden place. When a helicopter pilot crash lands in this place, he is faced with some disturbing scenes. He didn't know what the cause of his crash was and from the looks of the Island he is not the only one having trouble, yet the place itself seems to be deserted.
    Is there some form of the supernatural hidden in this  disturbing place, or is it something even greater.



    CryEngine Tutorials:

    klln4mny - How to enter 3rd person

    Dave Wilson - How to hide HUD Cryengine


    WillsterTrailerMusic - JUPITER ASCENDING TRAILER


    Tobaal - Lighting

    Deadwoodman - Skull

    Appropriate viewers intro sign

    Peer Marks:

    Monday 11 August 2014

    Week 3

    Snapshots of my Island

    Claude Lorrain

    William Gilpin

    Capability Brown

    Humphrey Repton

    JMW Turner

    West Lake Chinese garden